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Career Development Seminar Presenter/Speaker
Thomas Landefeld, Ph.D.

C1 Becoming a Scientist: Considerations for the Minority Student in Choosing a Career in Science (Undergraduates/Graduates) 1 hour seminar There are various career options for students in the sciences. From high school to college to post-baccalaureate programs — there are many factors contributing to how one might choose a career. This presentation will open the discussion on how one might make the decision. Considerations include salary, security, pipeline issues, benefits, and other issues relating to the career choice.

C2 Making a Difference: When Scientists are Administrators (Faculty) 1 hour seminar In the hierarchy of academic institutions, what impact might scientists make when they are an integral part of the university administration? Some experiences associated with bench research are invaluable towards the recruitment, retention and production of successful students, faculty and staff, and particularly make a difference when promoting the participation of those from under represented groups. How are decisions about hiring scientists for administrative positions made? What is the impact such decisions? What kind of people (personalities) chose a career in administration and why?

C3 Minority Scientists: Where are they? Should we care? (All) 1 hour seminar This presentation will focus on the under representation of minorities in the sciences. Discussion will include all levels, with a look at the lack of students making the successful transition to the next stage, whether it is to a 4-year institution, to graduate school or to a profession. Statistical data is discussed to demonstrate concepts that may serve to improve those numbers. Overall, the presentation is designed to provide a realistic perspective of the current status of minorities in the sciences, the reasons for this status, and actual methods to deal effectively with the problem of under representation.

C4 Leaks in the Pipeline: Do Faculty Mend Them or Create Them? (Faculty) 1 hour seminar Focus is on the key role that faculty play in the pipeline of under represented minorities from precollege to professor/professional. Why are some programs more successful than others and what can be done to make those that are less successful, more productive. For those successful ones, activities and efforts are identified. Additionally, ways for successfully recruiting minority faculty are addressed.

C5 Preparation for the Next Step of One’s Educational Future (All) 1 hour seminar This seminar centers around a discussion about choices for education following the attainment of a bachelor’s degree, including: preparation of applications, letters of recommendation, personal statements, and other components of the application process. Fundamental questions, such as ”Where should I apply?” and “to what program?” are addressed along with tips offered for interviewing.

C6 Endocrinology: Training, careers and applications (All) 2 hour seminar This presentation discusses aspects of the field of endocrinology from all vantage points, starting with the science of the specialty and the feedback systems that comprise it. From there, the discussion focuses on the opportunities to do basic and clinical research in a variety of applications, a major one of which is the area of minority health disparities where endocrine diseases and disorders are significantly represented, e.g. diabetes, hypertension, obesity. The type of training that is available along with the types of careers that can result from that training are highlighted.

C7 Keys to Success for Diversity and Recruitment (All) 1 hour seminar This seminar discusses how to plan and implement ways to successfully achieve diversity, focusing on avenues of recruitment and retention, not only at the student level but also with faculty, staff and administration. Keys include the pipeline and how to prevent and/or fix leaks to achieve success. This talk is directed to an audience that includes students, faculty and administration.

C8 You Must Be Special (All) 1 hour seminar This seminar discusses the need for being a specialist in whatever endeavor in which one wants to achieve. The examples provided compare being a reproductive endocrinologist and an advocate for minority issues, specifically similarities in the types of commitments and activities necessary to being successful over the long term, even to the point of comparing the endocrine organs with the individuals in academia with regard to their controlling health/disease and successful diversity efforts, respectively. This talk is applicable to individuals at all levels within the academic community.
