White Privilege and the Assault on Minority Programs: The Cause or the Cure?
As seen from www.justgarciahill.org, PROGRESS MAGAZINE Spring 2006 Vol.3 , No. 3

"Change Has Come": Celebrate but DO NOT Become Complacent!
As seen from THE ADVISORMarch 2009

White Privilege and the Assault on Minority Programs: The Cause or the Cure?
As seen from www.justgarciahill.org, PROGRESS MAGAZINE Spring 2006 Vol.3 , No. 3

Faculty Perspectives: Image: Ivory Towers and Idealism
As seen from www.umich.edu

Do You Want To Be A Scientist?
As seen from The Med & Ed Connection Vol 9 Issue 9 May 2006 (The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio)

Constructively Demoted
As seen from Race Traitor #8 (1998)


Celebrating her Student Role Model Award with Lissette Renteria (Class of ’06, B.S., Biology) are professor of biology Thomas Landefeld and president and CEO of Minority Access, Inc. Andrea D. Mickle (at right).
